As usual, the year begins with a series of free initiatives for health care and the prevention of wide-ranging tumors.

The follow-up visits will take place at the Municipality, which promotes them in collaboration with the Lilt – Italian League for the Fight against Cancer based in Salerno.

“As a municipal administration we have decided to allocate a dedicated chapter of expenditure to the health care of the population, as it has never been done before – said the councilor delegated to Slavic policies Giorgio Stancati-. So in recent years we have guaranteed hundreds of free medical visits to our fellow citizens, who have appreciated the initiative. For this month of February we are promoting new visits, confident that they will be appreciated, and a new day of giving blood, an occasion on which Amalfi always shows itself to be a generous city ».

Appointment calendar:
scheduled on the first floor of Palazzo San Benedetto dermatoscopic visits and oral screening .

The medical checks, which are completely free, can be booked at the numbers 335.65.74.781 and 328.28.26.426.

Saturday 29th the month of health in Amalfi ends in solidarity with the gift of blood . From 8.00 to 10.30 the mobile Avis blood collection unit will be in Piazza Municipio for a new round of donations